Installing nfsen & nfdump PortTracker plugin on ubuntu

## Installing nfsen & nfdump PortTracker plugin on ubuntu
We need to get nfdump 1.6.23 or newer. The version of nfdump included
on Ubuntu 20.04/21.04/22.04 is nfsen-1.3.6p1 ,
Lab Tasks
This section is prerequisite if you had already done while installing nfsen then may skip below section 1

>>>> Prerequisite:
Section 1:
# cd cd /var/nfsen/
# wget
# tar xvzf nfdump-1.6.23.tar.gz
# cd nfdump-1.6.23/
# sh ./
./configure --enable-nsel --enable-nfprofile --enable-sflow --enable-readpcap --enable-nfpcapd --enable-nftrack
# make && make install
* Make a directory for the nftrack data
$ mkdir -p /var/log/netflow/porttracker
$ chown www-data /var/log/netflow/porttracker

Set the nftrack data directory in the module:

$ nano /var/nfsen/nfdump-1.6.23/extra/
Find the line:
my $PORTSDBDIR = "/data/ports-db";
and change it to:
my $PORTSDBDIR = "/var/log/netflow/porttracker";

 Install the plugins into the NFSen distribution

$ cp /var/nfsen/nfdump-1.6.23/extra/ /var/nfsen/plugins/
$ cp /usr/local/src/nfsen-1.3.6p1/contrib/PortTracker/PortTracker.php /var/www/nfsen/plugins/


 Add the plugin definition to the nfsen.conf configuration

$ nano /var/nfsen/nfsen-1.3.6p1/etc/nfsen.conf
nano /var/nfsen/etc/nfsen.conf

Find the plugins section and make it look like this into both directries:
@plugins = (
[ 'live', 'PortTracker'],

 Re-run the installation (answer questions)
cd /var/nfsen/nfsen-1.3.6p1
$ ./ ./etc/nfsen.conf
* Initialize portracker database files

$ sudo -u www-data nftrack -I -d /var/log/netflow/porttracker

(This can take a LONG time! - 8 GB worth of files will be created)
* Set the permissions so the netflow user running nfsen, and the www-data
user running the Web interface, can access the porttracker data:

$ chown -R netflow:www-data /var/log/netflow/porttracker
$ chmod -R 775 /var/log/netflow/porttracker
* Reload:
$ /var/nfsen/bin/nfsen reload
* Check for success:
$ grep -i 'porttracker.*success' /var/log/syslog

* Wait some minutes, and go the the nfsen GUI

... and select the Plugins tab.
If you get an error "Cannot Read Stats file", check the /var/log/netflow/porttracker \
directory for 2 additional files: portstat24.txt and portstat.txt like this:

$ ls -l /var/log/netflow/porttracker/ports.stat


Make sure that nfsen can write in that directory.
## If you wanted to add more sources...
Go back to where you extracted your nfsen distribution.
$ cd /var/nfsen/bin
$ ./nfsen reconfig
Now start and stop nfsen:

$ sudo service nfsen stop
$ sudo service nfsen start


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